I performed all over Northern Ireland and got myself a reputation of being a very
professional and extremely versatile novelty performer. I performed anywhere from Children's parties to Corporate events...from nightclubs to hotels and restaurants. I even started working on a street magic show at this stage.
Eventually after nearly hitting it big in Northern Ireland (big fish ...small pond) I
moved to London and became a professional street performer. I must have been good at it because I started getting known by TV producers, nightclub owners and comedy clubs. I then started working full time in London's only juggling store...'Oddballs' |
My name is Craig Keith and I hail from Northern Ireland. I started learning the subtle
art of magic at the age of 13 and performed at my first birthday party at the age of 15.
After that, it was no holds barred and I learnt how to juggle, twist balloons, stilt walk,
fire-eat and heaps of other circus/novelty skills. I eventually joined the Belfast Community Circus and became one of their tutor team, teaching local children circus skills and even playing the lead in one of their summer tours "The Circus Factory" |
CRAIG KEITH -Remember that name!
In my early twenties I turned full-time professional and started performing at a variety
of events and parties.
I started to study performing arts in Belfast, which obviously helped me in creating
characters and making my performance skills greater. During this time I performed on stage and on a few film shorts as an actor.
In 1998 I joined the Ulster Society of Magicians and became their close-up magic
champion and was runner up in their stage magic competition. I was also renowned as one of the best balloon twisters in Northern Ireland. Recently becoming a multiple World Record holder for them. |
I quit as a street performer, because there was more money to be made working at the
shop and performing at children's parties, comedy clubs and nightclubs.
I met a young lass from the USA and moved to Oregon, where I lived for a few years. We have recently moved back to the UK and live in London and am able to work pretty much anywhere.
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